How And When To Raise Your Consulting Rate

Software Development

And while you don’t charge your employees for any of this infrastructure, they most certainly do benefit from it. That being the case, to the extent that each employee uses this infrastructure, a corresponding portion of the cost is really attributable to him or her. As 2018 comes to a close, I’ve been reviewing the books and clarifying my business goals for next year.

We occasionally offer free in-depth consulting through graduate students working in the SCC for STAT 8001 course credit. Clients who have projects that meet certain guidelines as set by the SCC, and are willing to allow their data to be analyzed by statistics graduate students are encouraged to inquire about this option. You’ve done the work, now it’s time to get paid. Learn how to invoice for services rendered, including tips for getting your invoices paid faster. Once you’ve figured out what to charge for your consulting services, you should think about how you’ll take payments.

Determine your hourly rate based on your experience and industry standards. There are a lot of things to keep in mind when you create your consulting rate. It can be tricky to balance all of the factors we’ve outlined above, but there are a few steps you can follow to ensure an optimal pricing structure for you and your client. Your consulting fees should be based on the value of your work. A number of factors influence that, including the scope of your work, your experience, and the competitive landscape. These multipliers can vary widely, though, across different companies, or even within the same company from year to year.

Obviously, if your math were the whole story there would be no full time employees in companies. Since that is not the case, the single biggest gap in this analysis is a discussion of the relative BENEFITS of FTE and contract employees. You can’t have a meaningful discussion of cost without benefits. Consultants are generally more experienced than full-time staff. They’ve been around the block as opposed to being ‘inbred’. Top notch consultants, have seen more code bases and generally can adapt much faster than any full-timer.

In software engineering especially I think you underestimate the long-term benefit of having a full-time employee. Having worked in a consultant role for 3 or 4 companies, I can tell you I was able to be much less effective than full-time employees. The real comparison here is pay for amount of productive work.

average consulting fees

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. First, make a ballpark guess of what you think your new rate should be. For example, if your rate is now $150 an hour, what do you think is a logical next step? Every dollar given has a direct impact upon our students and faculty.

Development work requires long hours of coding and debugging, which the Pentagon knows all to well with the f-35 acquisition, that can sky rocket the cost of having a consultant. That consultant is now double or triple the cost in overtime than a salary employee. Most companies would like to have their network, application, and compute infrastructure up 365 days without an outage. Add to that the need for currency and staying up to date with latest code releases which will cause the off hour/billable hours add up. Which is why companies are not fully staffed with consultants.

Standard Consultation Fees For Uga

The one item that companies have to beware of in hiring a consultant/contractor is in the billable hours. The math works out if the hour worked during the year stays static at 2080 hours per year. After that the budget goes out the window if the work requires overtime which usually happens in IT when a consultant is hired on for project development work or application/networking/sysadmin support role.

The equipment being banned will increase their hours by 20 to 30%. Often they work over 40 hours and I have been paying them a flat rate as contractors all these years. If I am forced to tell them what equipment is now allowed I will have to change them over to salaried employees. My question is what is the actual minimum amount per hour my costs will be to convert them to salaried employees making over minimum-wage? I know that $7.25 per hour is the minimum wage but how much more does it cost per hour to pay that rate?

  • For example, these Cost Accounting Standards from the Defense Contract Audit Agency provide a glimpse into the resulting complexity.
  • We treat authorship, which is an acknowledgment of an intellectual contribution, as largely separate from the provision of funding, which is necessary to support the continued operation of the SCC.
  • Been having this conversation with many friends lately and it seems people have difficulty seeing the seemingly hidden costs in actually taking care of your employees.
  • Permanent employees might write the code poorly because they have incentive to “create work” for later to ensure their job creating inbreeding.
  • Consulting fees are defined as the cost of the work provided by a consultant.
  • There are only 4 SDLC processes in any company, waterfall, agile, waterfall/agile mix, chaos.
  • With the new year just a few weeks away, now might be the time.

The question then becomes how to intelligently distribute the company’s indirect costs across all employees. The generally accepted practice is to use salary as an approximation of seniority, which in turn serves as an approximation of the portion of corporate infrastructure and resources used. Finally, calculate the consulting fees rate that this person should charge in order to hit their desired annual salary. Invoices are a popular payment option many consulting businesses use to charge their clients, and it can help you get paid faster for your services. With online invoicing software, you can send invoices via email and clients can pay via card online.

In a product company, these errors can eat away at your bottom line. And in a services business, these errors can even result in spending more to provide a service than you’re charging for it. Consulting fees are defined as the cost of the work provided by a consultant. This usually is displayed as an hourly rate.

How Do I Determine My Consultancy Fees?

It’s astounding how few business owners properly account for the real cost of their labor. After you’ve estimated the time you’ll spend and any additional costs, you need to decide how to translate that into a pricing model. Will you charge by the hour, per project, by performance, or will it be a combination?

average consulting fees

In the Government contracting domain, the 1.99 figure is roughly the median, with cost multiplier values most typically being in the range of 1.5 to 2.5. Unfortunately for Andre, it’s not so simple when you take employee overhead costs into account. Next, determine the percentage of the day the consultant expects to work for. For example, in this problem, the consultant expects to be able to bill for 3 hours a day on average.

Consulting Fees Formula

I have to add that in countries like Brazil, with strong labor regulations for both the employer and employee, this difference tends to be much bigger. In the normal form of hiring someone in Brazil, the company always spends almost twice the employee’s compensation, every month. Expenses attributable to running your business in general such as salaries for corporate executives and administrative personnel, legal fees, accounting fees, and so on. OK, that’s closer to accurate but still a long way from representing Pete’s full cost to Andre’s company. Benefits are frankly only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to figuring out how much an employee is really costing your company.

I really wonder how many companies does not understand how the mechanism of infrastructure costs actually works. Thank you for great article and I wish you to be heard by community of heads of IT companies. Pete the employee is really costing Andre’s company around $90/hour, whereas Roger the consultant would only cost his company around $83/hour. Andre thought that Pete the employee was only costing his company around $45/hour, whereas Roger the consultant would cost his company $70/hour. However, the amount of infrastructure that a consultant uses is significantly less than that of an employee (not to mention the fact that the consultant doesn’t receive any benefits from the company).

Successful Independent Consulting

Are employers obligated to pay workers compensation for independent contractors or virtual assistants they contract with? Very informative breakdown of the true costs of employees vs. contractors. Been having this conversation with many friends lately and it seems people have difficulty seeing the seemingly hidden costs in actually taking care of your employees. I’m reading your blog for a long time and wonder how your point of view corresponds to mine one. More or less the same article I wrote in Russian a few month ago.

average consulting fees

Once you’ve put together consulting fees for one client, you should be able to easily adapt the fee and fee structure for new clients. While you may want to use the same fee structure across all clients, you don’t have too. Just make sure that you are clear about your fees before beginning any work. This article is quite old but I need to highlight some issues.

Use the calculator below to compare the real costs of contractors versus employees, based on their salaries and hourly rates. Recruiting fees affect the cost of all employees. One obvious savings with consultants is the avoidance of often hefty recruiting fees. What may be less obvious, though, is that each recruiting fee paid drives up the real cost of all employees.

Cost Of Employee Benefits? Youre Paying For More Than Benefits

Another way to consider charging your client is to propose a retainer. A retainer is a fee paid in advance in order to secure or keep services whenever they’re required. A person who comes in and works just like Pete for 40 hours a week isn’t really a consultant at all. Everyone is always worried about what employees cost but no one is nit picking the gazillion dollars executives make regardless of performance and company success. This calculator is based on the cost accounting methodology detailed in the article below. Management consultants hone in on improving specific business strategies and specialize in disciplines or industries such as HR, IT, or health care.

But an awareness of the factors and issues discussed in this article will help arm you to make the best financial decision for you and your team. While this may seem perfectly reasonable at first blush (and it is certainly much better than not factoring in these costs at all!), one quickly realizes that it is still way oversimplifying the problem. Adjust the values below to reflect your company’s actual expenses. Toptal handpicks top freelance developers to suit your needs. B% is the percentage of the work day you expect to be able to bill for.

Customized Training, Planning, And Consulting

An overly simplistic way of doing this calculation would be to just add up all indirect costs, divide by the number of employees, and then add that portion of the total to each employee’s annual compensation. On the other hand, if you tend to do a lot of repeat business with a handful of existing clients, raising your rates only for new clients won’t create much additional income. A contract allows consultants to adopt a professional face, set expectation with their clients, and get paid. In a contract, you can lay out the scope of your work and describe payment details so all parties are satisfied throughout the course of a particular job. While you can write a contract on your own, Square has created a suite of contract templates that you can utilize for free. Once you’ve prepared a customized template, you can attach it to an invoice and send it off to your client for review.

Strategy consultants focus on high-level business objectives and growth strategies, and channel their efforts on beating the competition. We provide consolidated back-of-house services for nonprofits to maximize resources, ensure accountability, and clear the way to focus on mission results. If you need our services, but are concerned about cost, call us and we’ll be happy to discuss options. Outside consultants can swim above the political infighting and bring the perspective of many cultures. A good mix of inside and outside voices, if well managed can keep a project honest and moving forward…if well managed. Every company and situation is different so there’s no “one size fits all” answer here.

Enter the desired annual salary and your expected percentage of the day you expect to bill to calculate your consulting fee. The easiest time to raise your rate is on the cusp of something new — a new year, a new project, a new client. With average consulting fees the new year just a few weeks away, now might be the time. This article offers ideas of how to do this, as well as some sample language to use when notifying your clients. Do some real thinking on how much time you will spend on a project.

In some companies, this culture is so prolific it only becomes obvious when outside consultants are brought in. Having a mix of consultants keep the permanent employees honest. There are only 4 SDLC processes in any company, waterfall, agile, waterfall/agile mix, chaos. Applying these rates cumulatively yields a cost multiplier of 1.99; i.e., (1 + 0.35) x (1 + 0.25) x (1 + 0.18). This means that each employee is typically costing the company roughly twice (1.99 times) their base salary.

The overtime billable cost also extents into non-IT roles like accounting, engineering, and marketing. Companies that don’t outsources will have a mix of salary employees and contractors. With the contractor restricted to no overtime cutting them out of a lot normal salary employees activities. The salary employees give companies the opportunity to treat salary employees like a rented mule because there is no over time and hence no billable overtime hours. Also the offshore companies that were jobbers for IBM, HP and Dell coming onshore to directly compete with the local outsource companies.

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